Our Team


Executive director: Sonia James-Wilson

Sonia James-Wilson is permanently certified to teach in New York State, and  has served as a teacher educator for 14 years in colleges and universities in the United States and Canada.  Over the course of her career, she has directed four urban teacher preparation programs, and has designed and facilitated nineteen professional learning programs for urban teachers and administrators focused on equity, diversity and inclusion in the United States (Georgia, Illinois, New York and Wisconsin) and Canada (Toronto and Kitchener-Waterloo). Her experiences also include service as a private school director, researcher, arts program evaluator, and teaching artist.

In 2008, Sonia established Catalyst Research and Development where her areas of specialization have included program development, teacher leadership, school improvement, school redesign and restructuring, strategic planning, program evaluation, and arts education. In 2019 she founded ArtID International which funds artist residencies making them free of charge for youth in economically-challenged communities in the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and East Africa.

Sonia has earned Master’s degrees in both Elementary Education (CUNY-Brooklyn College) and Educational Administration (CUNY-Baruch College), and she holds a doctorate degree from the University of Toronto in Educational Thought and Policy Studies, with a concentration in educational administration. 



Community Partnership Development & Fundraising:

Danny R. Peralta

Danny Peralta has helped to identify the local Bronx community-based organizations with which The WomanHOOD Project partners, and provides grant writing and fundraising support. Danny started his career as a youth educator and community developer, and after being inspired by photography workshops he attended at ICP @ The Point (The Point Community Development Corporation), shifted his focus to documentary photography. In 2008, Danny returned to The Point CDC as the Director of Arts and Education, and in 2015 became the Executive Managing Director. In 2019, Danny was awarded the first ever Jocelyn Benzakin Fellowship for documentary photography from En Foco. This Bronx-based non-profit supports culturally diverse photographers by making their work visible to the art world through exhibitions, workshops, events, and publications, and provides assistance to photographers throughout their careers. Danny is currently serving as the Executive Director of En Foco. 

Danny has earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Social Studies Education from New York University, and a Master of Fine Art degree from the International Center of Photography (ICP-Bard).



Teaching Artist:
Alicia Thompson

Dramatic Arts and Creative Writing

Alicia Thompson is an actress, writer and Certified Trauma Informed Professional. She has taught social emotional learning and conflict resolution skills though theater and poetry to New York City public school students, staff and families for over 25 years. In her work with The WomanHOOD Project, Alicia uses her extensive experience to develop and facilitate drama-based workshops that integrate our curricular themes and reflect our core values. Poetry, creative writing and scene development are also an integral part of the learning participants experience in sessions that are always youth-focused and empowering.

Alicia attended Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Performing Arts and Music where she studied drama, and earned a Bachelor of Arts in Writing from Sarah Lawrence College. 





Rhynna has collaborated with The WomanHOOD Project to develop a cell phone photography curriculum where participants learn documentary and oral history skills. She is a Bronx-based photographer and youth educator whose passion is documenting the lives of the unseen and marginalized, and empowering them both through photographs and the learning of photography. In 2014 Rhynna had her first solo exhibition in Madrid, Spain entitled Window to the Bronx which helped to expand the  global conversation about Latinx immigration. She was also a featured photographer for the WNYC series Rx for the Bronx where her photos documented a working class woman’s struggles with the health care industry.  Rhynna is a co-founder of the Bronx Women’s Photo Collective, and the curator of the Instagram feed Everyday Bronx which has over 43,000 followers. In addition to producing her own artistic work, Rhynna has counseled racialized and low-income students as a College Success Counselor for the Bronx Junior Photo League at the Bronx Documentary Center (BDC), and developed a pedagogical approach focused on personal growth for her work with the Bronx Senior Photo League at the BDC.

Rhyanna has earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from UCLA.